played this one time in the arcade. I was impressed with the old school
gfx and the cool music. The game was hard to say the least and I couldn't
beat the first level, something that means that a shooter IS too hard.
Then I saw Batsugun at Visco in Japan for $8 and picked it up. I had
no regrets in picking up a cool shooter at the time. But then I got
home and played it for a little while. The graphics were perfectly replicated,
and maybe I am getting a LITTLE tired of the old school look of shooters
and I would like to move on to more impressive 2D gfx like in SG, but
it's nothing horrid. Besides, Tiger 2 Plus looks like Batsugun and I
like the look. The bullets are heavily colored, unlike the ones in Aero
Fighters, and they are easy to see. The sprites are great and
somewhat detailed and take up a lot of room, making the screen a real
The soundtrack is worth a million bucks. God I still love the old tunes
from the late 80s to early 90s. They sound so cool on Batsugun. I especially
like the music on the second level boss. And the sounds are great too,
but you have to admit that in shooters you'll notice everything else
before the sound itself. Batsugun added a new kind of element to shooters
with the level up meter. There's a little meter at the bottom of the
screen that starts to fill up and when it fills you get your wepon leveled
up and it becomes more powerful and a hell of a lot bigger. Although
you can only get 2 level ups and the top level is 3, it's still cool
since you get to choose between 3 ships and see what the weapons look
like. And then there's the loser's version of the game where you are
allowed to get hit one time before you die. This may sound kinda dumb,
but when you look at how many bullets get on the screen at one time
and you're out of bombs, you need this thing. It's still not gonna let
you beat the game, but you'll get to see more levels.
Now, I'm gonna thrash this game for all it's worth. The difficulty of
Batsugun is more than you could ever imagine. Let's say you play arcade
mode and set the diff. on easy. First level you will die maybe 2 times.
Next level will have you down maybe 4 times. On the 4th level I bet
you will use 3 continues or so. In other words, you can't beat this
game very easily unlike games like Raystorm. Arrange mode is even worse.
In the beginning I had no problems, actually until level 6 it was pretty
easy (It goes 1-5 for round 1, 2-5 for round 2, 3-5 r3, and 4-5 r4 and
each round is harder than the last). When I got to round 4 I realized
that the makers didn't want you to beat Batsugun. When you destroy an
enemy it explodes into about 30 bullets and they go right for you. That's
for EVERY guy you kill. Yeah real fair. You won't play this much afterwords
after you beat it either, since you'll wanna press start and then ABABXAB
to get some more credits.
Review eh?
Graphics 8 They're not superb, but they pass
the cool looking test. The BGs are really nothing at all to smile about
cause they are about as bland as a piece of wood.
Sound 9 Too bad not all the tracks are good.
Some are actually really bad. But the good ones are really great!
Playability 6
OK this is where the difficulty problem kicks in. Even though Batsugun
introduces some new stuff, it can't save it. This game is just too hard
to be cool. It becomes a bullet dodger then. It has to have something
more than this like the web in SG or SOMETHING. The game is not impossible
it's just frustrating.
Difficulty HARD Yeah I told you already.
Replay 4 Heh, what kind of a shooter has
5 levels? God I mean you could have at least put in more ships!! Maybe
THREE modes of play instead of just Arcade and Arrange??
Overall 6 It's only for hard core shooter
fans. Don't get it if you don't like shooters all that much.
(Eh, who'd
be here if they didn't?? - malc)

2 player mode, you'll find things look like someone has been having
a joke at your expense - you can't see a damn thing! Is the firepower
really supposed be so over the top?? |
I think it is. Sometimes I feel sorry for the bosses. Mind you,
at times your own ship gets peltered with similar amounts of flying
lead. |
your telly on the side gives you the true vertical orientation of
the arcade. Believe it or not, your ship is nowhere near tooled
up yet... |
very serene moment in the game, with only a handful of bullets onscreen.
You just know things are going to get hairy really soon! And yes,
we do occasionally get highland cows wandering about in Scotland,
for him that asked:) |
gratuitous 2 player shot because I felt like it. |