got more forms of attacking than R-Type Delta's got polygons.
Watch out for the tail, and when he does this...

an AWESOMELY smooth transformation, take on this vessel, then
the final form bounces around the screen, reminding me of a souped-up
game of pong.

hope you're having as much fun reading this as I did reviewing
it! BS falls into the category of "I can pick this game up at
any time and always be in the mood to blow through it because
it's not too long and not too challenging.", much like the Nes
version of Contra.

game is so detailed, it's hard to see when the backgrounds end
and the foregrounds begin!

fight a two sided attack while falling down a tunnel. Hit detection
in BS is very much on your side, which is a good thing, since
screens are chocked full o bullets.

second half of the boss takes place while descending into a planet's
atmosphere. Hope the wreckage doesn't fall on uncle Chuck's trailer.
at all those bullets. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! - Akira)

hollow street? OK, now the wording gets kinda weird.

snakes? Why doesn't every shooter have a lion, or a groundhog?!

boss is very fast, and disappears only to jet back into the screen
and try to crush you.

transforms a lot too, but that process is neat to watch.