It works like this. You get weapons, collecting
'blue prints'. The blue prints take some time to get developed, so when
you get one, the weapon won't be available at the same instant, you
have to wait some time. It's all calculated so you get the right weapon
at the right time :).
Every weapon has its 'Power drainage', and your ship has a certain power
top. So if you want bigger weapons, you have to get a new Power Generator.
You can have any combination of weapons your ship's power can handle,
so you can experiment with combinations, or change the configuration
for certain moments. You do this, entering the blue orbs spread over
the levels.
Also, some weapons say 'SET-UPS: 2'. That means you can have 2 of the
same at your ship (depending on power, of course!)
1 Weapons

Fusion Engine and Accelerator, are essentials for
better power up of the ship(far left and far right). In the middle,
the GyroTrack tracking-cannon, very handful :)

Here we have the Nihilizer, a ion-grid-shield, the 8KL-H Mark pulse
cannon, and the Gauss Eroder, a grenade launcher. The arrows on the
right, show the directions the weapon can cover. I don't know why these
are not lit :P. Maybe screen mode...

Here we have the WRG-L Plasma propulsors Mark 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 respectively.
Below, the Ten-P Mark 4, a Nucleon projector. (I'm not making up the
names, you know? it's all in the game:)

for the 2 ships

This weapons are undistinctly for Proto 1 or Proto 2. We have a homing
missile (TW108A Razor), one boring (but useful) forward-you-go missile(TW108)
, and a Scramble-like drop bomb(TW102 Terosone Bomb).

2 Weapons

Well, here is the Fusion Engine and the Accelerator, in fancy 'Prototype
2' fashion :). In the middle, we have a laser in the 'ripple' form (Quake
v7 Sonic Disrupter). Where have I seen one of these b4?

Proto 2 has its shield too (Nihilizer II), as well as a multi-directional
laser (NSW-I Mark12 Nucleon projector), a rotating pulse laser (HellWeaver),
and the common straight pulse laser (Impuls v10).
