Thanks to Joiro Hatagaya for
this information, screens and captions!!
the good news first: You don't really have to get trough the first
six levels with just one credit to access the second loop.
And now come the bad
news: You have to get trough them with just one life.
There probably are other ways,
like collecting all the golden wasps [the usual ones and the ones
you must convert] on every level, or destroying all enemies on every
level. Believe me, staying alive is easier than that. :)
So, what exactly happens when
you get to the second loop? Well, let's just say, 80% of the time
80% of the screen is going to be filled with bullets. Seriously.
YOU WILL DIE. A LOT. And then some more. When you finally get trough
it you get another speech from the general. After that you get a
white background for some 30 seconds [to take your heart pills and
a deep breath, I suppose] and then this cute little wasp appears!
it on motherfucker! I'm not afraid!
[ You ain't but I'm bricking myself :P - Felix the Cat ]
that the front claws have been blown off - that thing seems pissed
now. Oh well, keep your finger on the trigger, rookie! [He did say
that in Donpachi, right?]
[ I find it really strange in Donpachi how you could be at the
very final boss in one credit and the guy STILL calls you a ROOKIE!
- Felix the Cat ] |
actually did some special attacks before exploding, but I just thought
that you'd like to find them out yourself. :p
Hint: wasps sting.
Right now you'd probably be thinking that this was one easy final
boss - well, better stop thinking and prepare for the ultimate battle.
:) |
<< Yes,
the wasp is not finished yet. This one actually looks a bit
like the true final boss of Donpachi, only smaller [and MUCH,
MUCH meaner as we'll soon find out]. Interesting isn't it? An
already giant cybernetic wasp thingie wearing an enormous cybernetic
wasp mecha suit. Or something like that... :p
[ Oh nooo! IT'S A GUNDAM!! - Felix the Cat ]
an extreme close up of the wasp itself. Pretty cute huh? Who'd
have thought that such a small animal can open such a HUGE can
of whoop-ass? - Felix the Cat
Ahh, how cute: this beastie has some 4 to 6 attack patterns,
each using some different projectiles.
this! Getting 13 hits on this sucker is actually pretty hard. [About
now that enthusiastic shmup fan who was holding back yells at me:
don't harm it. They do nullify the projectiles and give you some
space to move, but this thing just puts up a shield and doesn't
get a scratch. |
tells me that now it's angry... Damn gorgeous effect though [gotta
see that moving]. Note that I'm still quite alive and keep on firing
at that thing. If I remember correctly I managed to bash the bomb
key after hitting the screenshot one.:)
After that it doesn't
really pull off anything funky [or maybe I just want to surprise
you? }:)] so you just blast away until it's finished. Surely we
are getting a fabulous ending for such a feat, right? Well, let's
see: |
<< Look,
that's you! Nice goggles... I suppose they give you artificial
"mad dodging skillz" needed to survive in this game.
Anyhow, seems pretty
darn confined if you ask me - doesn't look like you can eject
from this thing. :) Oh, well, this is the ending - this single
picture and some Japanese text is all you get. GRRRR... Oh, well,
the game was great fun so it's ok to get a lame ending. And after
that you get the credits, which look kinda nice. And that's it.
Dododonpachi? Let's hope so.