floor of level six will kill you, be sure to buy the boots in
the shop if you want to touch the ground. I recommend those with
a laser to finish up this level very quickly. BZZT!!!!

A very unhappy electrical device... When the bar in the eyesocket
fills up, he releases a charge.

Hit this boss enough, and out come...

... Baby shrimp! You have to shoot them until they turn brown
and can’t move, but don’t touch the dead ones, because they still
hurt you.
your original Bubba-Gump shrimps - Akira)

you guessed it, refight all the bosses yet again! I like the bizarre
space harrier type background.

last boss, a larger version of yourself, has the ability to drop
a one megaton weight on your head. That’s heavy enough to really,
really, hurt.

that’s not all! This odd looking robot shoots a ring that slows
Opa down should he get caught, then curls up into a ball and bounces
around the screen. Who is he, and where does he come from? Like
I said, the storyline evades me.

appears to be an even more sinister character behind all this,
perhaps someone high ranking in Konami, who refuses to release
their games stateside. There is also a promise of another game,
which, like Axelay, was released only to Elvis and some of his
closest companions.
