Reviewed by Chuck
cannot describe the wonders of G Darius. BUT, I'll try my best! We shmup
fans know Darius. There have been countless versions on just about every
platform. My personal favorite being Darius Gaiden on the Saturn. So,
when I heard there was going to be a Playstation version based on a
recent arcade game; I was very excited. I get the game home and power
up the ole' Playstation and am treated to an OK fmv sequence to get
me going. It is your standard fmv sequence; trying to get you into the
story and feel of the game and it does a fairly decent job too. Let
the game sit for awhile(I do this with every game I own) and you are
treated to an even better sequence, in English, that details the story.
So it is pretty cool. OK, on to the game...
There are just tons of options for this game. You have an Arcade mode,
Beginner mode, Vs Boss mode(where you just pick and fight the bosses)
and an option mode. Needless to say, you can tailor the game to just
about every style. I play the Arcade mode on Normal difficulty and I
got through it pretty much on my fourth or fifth time. You are probably
thinking, not much playability there, but this is a Darius game and
there is the famous "Zone Select" for you to choose from. There are
fifteen main zones to choose from and in each zone you can choose between
two different routes. Each different route gives you different backgrounds,
enemies and bosses. So, this game is BIG! It has 30 levels of play in
it and they all just rock!
The same weapon system is available to you as in just about all the
other Darius games. You've got the basic pea shooter that can be upgraded
to a very wide wave beam which just slices through everything. Bomb
goes to multi-bomb. I don't believe there is a homing bomb like in Darius
Gaiden. Maybe someone can verify this for me. I think I've had the bombs
powered up all the way; but ya' never know! You've also got a shield,
which you will most definitely need, trust me! You've also got a capture
ball. I first saw this in the awesome Genesis game, Gaires. You can
shoot a little pink ball out and "capture" enemies to help you in your
blasting quest. It is kinda' neat to experiment and see what all the
different enemies do. Some will actually shoot, while some will act
like a shield to protect you. After quite a few shots; they will succumb
to a fiery death...or...you can activate them and make a smart bomb
to blow up the enemies in the area. I don't find the smart bomb very
effective though and usually save the enemy for a very different and
greedy purpose..Ha..Ha..(evil laugh). See, if you hold O button down
you consume the enemy and fire off a huge blast that just crushes everything
in its path. This weapon is so totally cool. You guys have just gotta'
see it.
So, what about the graphics...Well, they are excellent and really show
off what the Playstation can do graphically. The enemies and backgrounds
are polygons. So it really does give a great 3D look and feel; but the
game is just basically a 2D shooter. There are all your basic Playstation
hardware tricks, you know, transparencies, plasma effects. No lens flare,
can you believe that. If I see one more lens flare in a Playstation
or N64 game I'll think I'll have to kill someone. I have to comment
on the backgrounds and maybe Malc will help me out here. Sometimes I
think that they are streamed from the CD. Not generated in real time.
I can't tell. (neither can I, but I think they're realtime - malc)
Check out the level with the flying dragons in the background. There
is just something about them that looks rendered....Let me know if you
guys can figure it out. It is probably just me...The bosses are beautiful.
Always a trademark of a Darius game; they are all some sort of fish
or aquatic life form. Some are just breathtaking. One is call Queen
Fossil and this bitch is huge and just moves so very perfectly. It is
also so hard to kill...She jumps into and out of the screen just teasing
you with wave after wave of light source missiles. Very very neat boss.
I also really like the Absolute Defender. This big guy has a little
light on his chin that acts like a button that you have to press. With
your freakin' laser though!! Well, what's cool is that until you destroy
the button he has a shield on that won't let anything pass. So, if you
shoot him without having destroyed his shield; it reflects and glows
in the places that were hit. Just think Independence Day Mother ships...It
is very neat. So I will give the graphics a big huge A+!!! Very impressive.
There is a touch of slowdown every now and then but is OK.
Music. You know me and music and the Zuntata music is excellent. Very
techno'ish and just fits perfectly. Now, I actually prefer the music
in Darius Gaiden. But this soundtrack is right up there. Make sure you
listen to the music on the epilogue...It is just so good.
OK, this game just rocks. Absolute recommendation....Buy it at once
and you won't be sorry.
Oh, by the way G Darius mean "Gigantic Darius".

Chuck! Again, only a few pics (nabbed from Anime Playstation), but you
get the gist. A quick visit to the Taito
page revealed two things. 1. It's hard to navigate in Japanese. 2. A
logo graphic of something called G.Darius Ver2 - Interesting:) If you
click on the white layouts below, you'll get a large spread of the bosses
in the game. (these were nicked straight from Taito's site).
So what do I, Malky, think of G-Darius? Chuck's review is spot on, but
being a picky sod I've got a couple of things to add!
Bad stuff: sometimes staying alive is pure luck, as there's just SO
much going on onscreen.
Good Stuff: The 45 degree angle levels, like Viewpoint! Fabulous 2-player
Such a good game, and will probably never be released in the Uk. Annoys
the hell out me that. Malc

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