Just when you think you're safe from the psychopatic flying thingy, you get caught, lose ALL your weapons (no kidding!), and get locked in the enemy ship. Not good...

Hmmm...seems easy enough. Some easy enemies to frag...

These glass domes can be destroyed to gain powerups. There are loads on this stretch, so blast them all and get powered up!

These turrets swing about on these rails, making it harder to kill them if they are hiding from you. If you have missiles, then don't even worry about them...

Whoooo there's a lot of turrets there! Dive out of the way or risk being bombarded with loads of bullets!

Taking some predictable cues from various other shmups (no names at present), the floor and ceiling start to animate and close up around you...

And here is the level 2 boss. Essentially a huge electromagnetic core, it'll start to magnetise regularly, pulling you into the path of these electric charges! And those turrets don't make it any easier...

Choose your destination again!

Choose your Destination!

You are on the Level 2 Section!

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4a Level 4b Level 4c Weapons System



shmups!   © 1997 - 2007  Malcolm Laurie