one, before blasting off, is to go into the EDIT mode. I know
this is new for most shooter fans, so holster those itchy trigger
fingers for a short while.
sure to change both your weapons and options, then go through
a 100 question, true false/multiple choice test on "how well your
know your shmups". Those who score a 93 or above will be given
the job of updating Shmups Mk2.
people!!!!! You call that a prize? =) - Akira)

you have five points to dump into regular weapon's homing strength,
or you option's speed. I put most of it into the "homming" power
of weapons. If you can "homm" well, the game's a breeze.
yo yo! where my hommies at! =P - Akira)

the option's starting position, then the ending position. A1-A2
then B1-B2. You can make them as close or as far from your ship
as the grid allows. Then call a friend into the room, and yell
out "C7 - You sunk my Hobar-ship!" (Battleship © Milton Bradley)
(Hobar-ship © Roger Post)

aint no little shop of horrors. Don't worry, you can pass through
the main green vines.

at level one, and already the "shooter necessity snake". The boss
looks like a frontal view of a praying Mantis.

the generic factory level 2. That blue cylinder thing is really
a switch, and shooting the red light on top opens up the doors

section keeps you on your toes, since after some walls open, others
shut. The good news is that enemies are trapped by this also.
Makes for a very cool level design.

to ignore the graphics. Just close your eyes or something.
awesome CGI in the next page!