me a while to figure out this green device is a teleporter. Stupid
to build one on the outside of your ship, innit it? Maybe makes
it easier for refueling, or delivering the space mail.

first teleport room is empty. What's going on?

leads to…..you guessed it…..a mini-boss. This guy (I'll call it
Bob, for no real reason) is really easy. All Bob does is circle
around and shoot a tri-laser your way. Plenty of room to hang
out at the bottom and not get hit.

Now were'
gettin to the real innards of the enemy battleship.

you guessed it: BIO section=end sequence. (Hey Akira/Felix, here's
an idea for a new section: the Shooter handbook. It would explain
such things as the required snake, the battleship level, the bio
section just mentioned, and other "insider" shooter information.)
why not =) The aquatic level too - Akira)

know, that is one really ugly lookin main ship. Guess that's why
we never got the Over Horizon toy line. Yeah, that's what we need!
R-Type toys! Thunderforce toys! Toilet Kid toys!
that would rule! the last one I mean. Flying penis action figures
and turd beanie-babies... nice - Akira)

final boss is pretty neat too….two snake-like arms darting about,
a spread shot, and a ripple laser, all while three heads (who
look strangely familiar…where have I seen them before?) giggle
at you.
mix of Donald Duck, the first R-Type boss and Babidi from Dragonball
Z maybe =P - Akira)

this pre-Gradius 2? Somebody is ripping off one another. I get
my dates mixed up…..doesn't really bother me much anyway, both
games are worthwhile. Now if a sorry game ripped off Gradius,
then I'd be mad.
laughing you ugly mucker! - Akira)

I take it back, the ship DOES look cool. At least in this picture…
all the credits roll and the hoopla dies down, I'm about to shut
down the game when…
my god, look out it's babyGodzilla! or Cell from DBZ, again -

last boss has a little son hidden away somewhere…be on the lookout
for Over Horizon 2 on the Dreamcast, sometime between Axelay 2
and Viewpoint 2.