First level, and it's the vice-like grippers halfway through the stage.
I always wondered why they didn't move, would have been great if they
went and SNAPPED SHUT once in a while eh?
First level boss is the amazing tail-swishing foetus-like alien, which
is disappointingly easy to kill (just fire your bolt-on into the wee beastie
in its tummy and relax!)
Ever seen that daft cartoon called The Tick? Doesn't that white monster
look exactly like it (squint a bit).
This is level two, end of level boss is a suspiciously-female-genital-like
'mound', with a snakey thing zooming in and out of its, er, orifices.
Hmm... ;)
Aha! Level 3's mothership - one hit and its right back to the start -
oh how I hated that bit. One little nick on the paintwork and BLAM! back
to the effin' start.
now, if you havent died much, your ship should be nicely tooled up like
Onto level 4 and this mother breaks up into 3 bits and tries to get you
all confused.
Another snakey level, which ends with a large blobby pustulous mass to
liked this level, being an avid pustulous-mass-splatterer.
Bollocks Hard this level. This is one thing I didnt like about R-type
(Agh, heretic!) - it got too bloody tough and structured later on - very
hard to stay alive if you didn't follow the right path.
This is one level in particular that cost me dear. There's just not enough
room to manoeuvre (I can never spell that word right)
Superhuman. With independently controlled eyeballs and wrists of lightning.
That's what you need to be to pass this beast of a level.
Everything, even the walls are out to get you here. To tell you the truth,
I get scared when I get here. I normally don't get much further than this,
that's why the screen shots nearly stopped here;)
Level 8 and it's nearly all over for the bad little Bydo Empire. Negotiate
the flying green alien babies and spikey balls and breath a sigh of relief
as you're told you have to do it all over again! Hmph!
your tired and bruised little shippy totters its way home for a respray.

where can you play R-Type these days, apart from scouring the darkest
corners of the dingiest, most out-dated arcades?
There's a lovely pack for the Playstation called R-types: Irem's official
site has some smart wallpapers and pics 'n stuff on all the R-Types
too: (ta for the info, Steven:)

Oh, and thanks to 'Phorce Phed' (someone really ought to talk to his
parents about that name), for reminding me about
- a fan-run site, predictably all about R-type in it's many guises!