story is that this girl was on her way to her wedding, when she
got her hands stuck in between bubble gum and a giant marble. It's
up to you, Twinbee, to shoot down lots of enemies to rescue her!
(if my japanese isn't rusty) |

we see a combination of level one, a powerup shot and a happy cloud. |

can beat the first boss with one hand tied behing my back...eh,
even missing for that sake. |

beaten level treats you to a cinema...well, non moving pic. This
lad shows his support for our hero wearing his Twinbee© shirt
this lad is the pilot of the Twinbee! - Akira)

to show you the pink elephants here. You wouldn't believe me without
the screenshot. Those other blue guys are options. |

second boss is quite innovative: you fly aside a ship to the front,
destroy portions of it, then backtrack and finally take out the
back. Multi-screened bosses are cool yet rare. |

she piloting the Twinbee? Did she sneak in from Area 88? Or is that
just the new model super Relax-O easy chair with complex controls?
I have to learn japanese.
this girl here pilots the Gwinbee, a pink Twinbee with different
shape and abilities - Akira)

3 has a complex floating city structure. Graphics are old-school,
but still not hard on the old eye. |

THIS boss is neat... as you shoot the sides, the top rotates, and
only one section is vulnerable. So you've got to spin him to get
open, then attack at just the right time. We need more bosses like
this (game programmers, I know you're reading...) |

wedding girl is elected mayor of the floating city, and immediately
raises taxes, makes official holidays that nobody has ever heard
of, and makes it legal to remove those matress tags.
continue on page 2!