level is difficult....one color moves easier than another, but I
forget which is which.... |

boss of level four. Pretty wimpy from what I remember. Just stay
in the corner safe spot. By the way, Konami called, they want their
boss back....... |

five really, really, bites off R-Type. A three layered screen, with
box-like enemies coming out in specific patterns which you must
adapt to. Also watch out for offscreen missiles fired by the aforementioned
boxlike enemies-very frustrating!

not pretty to look at, but it can sure dance. If you made it this
far, you earned it. And your reward is a not-so-difficult boss here. |

it will break into pieces, and when you shoot it, bullets fly back
at you, like little popcorn kernels. Shoot slowly to avoid a barrage
of buttered mayhem. |

final level.....ORGANIC! |

here's a big plus! Right at the mid-way spot are powerups, so after
you die and start over, you have a decent chance at the aliens!
Why can't more games (*cough R-Type cough*) be like this? |

thankful the trend of fighting old bosses again died out in the
early 90's. Imagine Thunderforce doubling up on bosses? Or Radiant
Silvergun? Better yet, why not just fight the same boss every level?
And go through the same level every time.....That'd drive gamers
mad...'Am I on level 3 or 9? I forgot......' |

guy didn't get a date for the prom, I can be sure of that. Just
stay in front of the blue circles, which break up into little spread
aliens when hit. If you are close enough, you will destroy the little
annoying spawns and you stray buttelts will take care of the main
boss. |

The dreaded "double whammy". First the congratulations,
then that "try again on next hardest mode". If I would
have known I was getting jipped on an ending, I would have cranked
it up to "insanely maniacal don't even bother" mode the
first time......well if you did it once, you can do it again.........
the review again in normal level! =)