now it gets a little complicated. There is a beta version floating
around, with two different levels. If you are playing the normal
version, here is level four. Volcanos and annoying proximity lasers
make it a hassle.
19: If you are skilled enough to pass that, about 10 of these things
assault you. Dodge or destroy, depending on your firepower. |

the "real" boss, looks like he (or she, why do we male
chauvinists always call bosses he?) should be rotated 90 degrees
and stand on those two huge boots. Electricity shoots from the front
pieces, then he/she/it tries to ram your ship. |

you're playing the beta version (I used to have a BETA VCR, don't
laugh) you travel from Rome to Egypt in a matter of seconds. Both
versions have the same level five...... |

is the pesky fire level. No sunflares here though, shoot those mounds
like the one at the top as quickly as possible. |

is what happens if you play with matches, kids. The pillars of fire
can only be broken at one area, so find it quick. |

you are playing the beta version, there is an extra level (six),
the crystal cave. |

with dinosaurs, that even turn their bullet spitting heads and follow
you as you fly by. Those crystals in the back must be painful, though.
Jurassic Park was nothing like this.... |

boss forms from this mess, so don't be anywhere that isn't surrounded
by a lot of space. |

he spits out crystals like crazy and follows you around. Shoot as
quickly as possible, or just play the regular version and avoid
this all together! |

this is level six on normal, and seven on beta. Walls that form
in front of you, and VERY annoying cells that pop out from behind
make it a joystick smasher. |

a trick at the boss: approaching him, you have to shoot away the
wall, but leave the center section intact. Your targets are the
top and bottom orbs, and this way the bullets will be blocked. This
is the first time in a shooter where I had to think........
part on the next page!
