They expect me to pilot this thing?!

of the R-9 defense pod, we now have the VAWS, or variable armor
and weapon system. Too bad the actual weapons stink though. The
rotatable VAWS are pretty helpful, and can shield the ship depending
on which way you place them.

this game an outright hack? I don’t think so, because after level
one it does branch out a wee bit. This would be R-Type’s entering
the first level facility.
- Akira)

circular laser part...SUE, Irem, SUE!!!!! Get some money from
a lawsuit and make a new Dreamcast R-Type!
boy... - Akira)

didn’t know what to expect at the boss, but yes, he is very different
from R-Type’s level one boss. Still a pushover though. Hit him
when the eye is exposed.

level, snake themed with bio pillars popping up all over. Start
the memorization process here, kiddies.

a Snakeboss... The copyright snake. If I didn't see one in the
whole game, despite being a complete R-Type ripoff, I would have
said the game is _very_ original - Akira

conveyor belts on level three move along the wall with a fixed
pattern. Looks difficult, but really isn’t.

screen gets REALLY cluttered. Take out the joyriding enemies and
there isn’t much else to worry about.