boss is another story though... Laser machines from three sides,
and an eye that moves up and down. Stay right close up to the
eye, and the top and bottom lasers shouldn’t hit you.

level... ugh ... battleships... lots of em... too... much... firepower...
my weapons... too weak... memorize patterns! While fighting these
ships, asteroid chunks also hurl at you at amazing speeds. Ha,
ha, ha.
at those ships. Complete R-Type ripoff! This section reminds me
of a part of R-Type 2's level 3. Maybe Irem ripped off allumer
in R-Type 2? =P - Akira)

loser seems to take damage forever. With little pesky options
that fire at every angle, and more debris coming your way, this
guy is quite the headache. As of the time I’m writing this, I
can’t beat him yet.

that punk boss bit it, so here’s level five. I was really DREADING
this part, thinking “if R-Type had a pain of a mechanical memorization
level, uhhhh, maybe this one... ummm...” And it does. And it requires
more memorization than R-Type I think.

boss has angled lasers that reflect around the room, while that
red orb pops out of the left or right side, with the other side
spitting out enemies. Not too bad if you just run right up to
the weak spot and blast away.

level, what a battle just to get here! As if there things weren’t
bad enough, four mid sided enemies come out too. Your armor does
block most of this guy’s shots though.

the last boss was kind of a letdown. I thought it would be Uber-difficult,
like in R-Type, but he’s not so bad. Bullets are shot, while little
sperm lock on to you and try to home in (you must look like an
egg to them.) The armor takes out the little guys, so just dodge
the bullets and keep blasting.

If you can read this, you are too good at shooters, and play way
too much.

LOVE Engrish ending. Always make me laugh.

good “shooting” life! I like that philosophy...