four looks like a hot air balloon factory. When you shoot the
caps off of those things, the flames hurt you, so watch out. It
took me a little while to figure out what was hurting me.

lava has a very nice ripple effect, almost like Thunderforce 3.

number four is just a giant missile launcher plopped in the middle
of a lava field. Its way too heavy to even move. Just fires missiles.
And does a poor job even of that. You're fired...

wouldn't the machine just sink in the first place? Being set in
lava and all...

six, the "evil castle level". There are a lot of walls, but fortunately,
in Spriggan, the walls don't hurt you. I love shooters like that,
freedom to touch the walls..quite a stretch from R-Type and the

tubes roll giant balls at you, but they are slow enough to dodge.

a miniboss that can shoot lasers out from his hands. He can pick
his friends, but he can't pick his nose.

him, and the floor falls away, down you go into the second part
of level six. Tons and tons of debris here, which takes many hits
to destroy.

dragon's bark is much worse than his byte (8 megs I would assume..).
You can blast off the hands, or just go straight for the kill.

you don't see the dragon getting smashed, I don't know. That must
be the final level, or a really close up picture of a toothpaste
guess we'll find out in page 4!
