can I put this?..level seven..stinks. Huge, deadly enemies, and
lots of them. This thing keeps the lasers on for a while, and
sweeps the screen. Ouch.

this..ugh.rapid fire purple lasers. Keep moving, or else.
as good as some morning exercise - Akira)

you'll see why you failed the fourth grade, and had to repeat!
I may already be in reruns on this TV, but I'm twice as deadly!"

grandma, what huge lasers you have....watch for the split second
charge up to see which ones are going to fire. Then, move to where
it's not going to blast.

level, just a few more bosses to go. First this monstrosity..you
can actually touch the ship, so when he starts blasting away at
you, remember there is more room than it looks to dodge. As you
carve it up, expect new attacks to appear.

final guy, the cosmic purple nurple.

a boo! You can only hurt him when he shows his face.

final form, an ugly face that spits up at you. Hopefully you have
some bombs stored up.

You did it. Return back to the kingdom for a hero's welcome, a
ticker tape parade, and a new gold watch for you troubles. Now
it's time to service the Spriggan..oil change, lube job, replacement
shot off parts, comes to about 1 million dollars..sigh.:{ Thanks
Compile. This one kept just enough of the old formula that Compile
is so known for, with the right amount of gameplay and eye-candy
thrown in for the ride.
